, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: Why Sleep Early and Get Up Early?

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Why Sleep Early and Get Up Early?

A medical article published in 2017 tracked 416,040 people from 1982 to 2012. The data show that people who sleep 3 to 5 hours a day have a 55% higher incidence of prostate cancer than normal sleep. 

People sleeping 6 hours a day is 29% higher than 7 hours getting prostate cancer.  Studies showed that people who sleep less have lower melatonin, which is most likely a causative factor in prostate cancer. It is better to absorb more sun in the morning.  It would help the body to secrete more Serotonin. Another advantage is that serotonin can be stored in the brain, and when the night is dark, melatonin is converted from stored serotonin. Even if you are afraid of darkness, it is best to turn off the lights in the bedroom. More serotonin is stored in the brain in the morning, and more melatonin is produced at night. Prostate cancer is the number one cancer killer of non-smoking men. 

Recent studies have also shown that melatonin and breast cancer also have a great correlation. I hope everyone can go to bed early and get up early so that the body can secrete more melatonin. 




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