, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: Chinese New Year 2019

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Chinese New Year 2019

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year 2019.   All community centers are open in Richmond Hill.  We went to Rouge Woods Community Center at Sherley Avenue after sending the grandchildren to school.   We arrived there around 9:15 a.m. There were just a few people and most of the ping poing tables were empty.  We started playing at 9:30 a.m.and finished around 11:30 a.m.  It was a two hours workout.  There were not much sweating as we just played leisurely.  It was very relaxed indeed.  

After the game we had lunch together at Congee Wong Restaurant.  There were 15 people and we needed  a big table.   We ordered 9 dishes of food and the portions were just right for us.  The price was perfect only $9 for each person.

In the evening, Julie and I went to a friend 's new year dinner at Double Luck Seafood Restaurant at McCowen and Highway 7.   Foods were so good in terms of quality as well as quantity.   We had double midsize Tilapia and a big lobster, red onion, green pepper with beef cubes,  abalone and dry mushrooms with Pak Choy,  deep fried chicken,  deep fried crab dumplings, shrimps with egg white and minced fish soup,  fried noodles and fried rice with egg white and dried scallop bits, sweet red beans soup and red bean desert and cookies.  we had an round of deserts.... black forest cakes, fresh mango cake and almond with coffee cake.    Today is a very happy day.   It was typical Chinese festive celebration dining among friends.              

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