, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: 更換新身份證前你必需知道的 9 個 FAQ

Friday 8 February 2019

更換新身份證前你必需知道的 9 個 FAQ

香港特區政府保安局最近向立法會提交文件,欲在 2018 年底開始更換合共 880 萬最新智能身份證。

上一次更換身份證是在 2000 年代初,當時特區政府發佈了第一代智能身份證,最終為過關和圖書館借書帶來方便,但時移易勢,第二代智能身份證將會比第一代更新了更強大的晶片,並帶來更強大的功能,究竟今次更換身份證前你需要知道什麼?






新版身份證更新了很多不同的防偽以及晶片技術,目前已知的益處是未來在 e 道過關的時候只需拍卡就可以過關,比現時插卡過關更快捷,另外據指晶片內支援儲存更高解像度的照片,質素可達國際民航組織用於旅行證件的標準,可直接同步到之後換領的第二代電子特區護照使用,因此建議用戶換證前重新拍攝證件照片。
新一代智能身份證將會令民眾透過 e 道過關更方便


新版身份證有 9 個防偽識別,包括:











新版智能身份證除了支援接觸式介面之外,還支援 RFID 技術,唯讀取晶片內容時,晶片和閱讀器身份需要進行加密認證,理論上沒有相關閱讀器的非政府部門或非授權公營或私營機構會無法讀取晶片內容。至於會不會被人「隔空抄牌」,就要配合未來警察檢查身份證件的方式了。


預計會在 2018 年第 4 季至 2022 年進行,以年齡規定換領日期,當局會實行雙軌制度,65 歲以下人士會分開一個組別,以年齡分組換證,實際換證日子會跟據出入境頻繁程度作出安排,目前是為了方便民眾換證。
而 65 歲或以上長者屬另一個組別,可以在規定日子內任何時間更換身份證,長者可以在 65 歲以下人士更換身份證的同時一起更換身份證,另外政府也會派人到院舍替行動不便的老人家更換身份證。


政府未來會在港九新界建立 9 個換證中心,但地點有待確定。除了換證的櫃位之外,換證中心會有「自助身分證登記站」和「自助身分證領取站」,分別進行登記換證以及領取新證。




目前政府未定下現有智能身份證的失效日期,跟據過往經驗,換領新版身份證計劃開始之後,政府會公佈舊身份證失效日期。舊身份證失效並不會影響居港權,但如果沒有合理辯解而未能在指定換證期內換領新身份證屬違法,違者可能會被罰款 5,000 港圓。如果在外國生活已久要回港定居,就要在回港後 30 日內到入境處憑舊證補辦新的身份證。

Google Translation
The Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government recently submitted documents to the Legislative Council to start replacing a total of 8.8 million new smart ID cards by the end of 2018.

The last time I changed my ID card was in the early 2000s. At that time, the SAR government released the first generation of smart ID cards, which eventually brought convenience to the customs clearance and library borrowing, but the time shift was easy, and the second generation smart ID card would be better than the first. The new generation has updated the more powerful chips and brought more powerful features. What do you need to know before changing your ID card this time?

What is the difference with an existing ID card?

The new version of the smart ID card will match the color of the SAR regional flag, and it will be pinkish. The black and white heads on the right will be changed to the left. The black and white images in the lower left corner will be displayed in the lower right corner as laser images. Will be displayed on the left, the modified version of the chip will be placed on the back, the card face and the back of the card will add a wave and three-dimensional effect of the green zone logo, and the printed text is roughly the same as the existing ID card.

What will the new ID chip store?

The new version of the smart ID card contains a number of blocks, including the "Immigration Division" for entry and exit, as well as the storage ID number, Chinese and English names, date of birth and date of issue "Card Area Data Partition".

What are the benefits of a new certificate?

The new version of the ID card has updated a number of different anti-counterfeiting and wafer technologies. The current known benefit is that in the future, when the e-pass is passed, it is only necessary to take a card to pass the customs. It is faster than the current card, and it is said that the chip supports the storage. High-resolution photos, quality up to ICAO's standards for travel documents, can be directly synchronized to the second-generation electronic SAR passports that are later redeemed, so it is recommended that users re-photograph their IDs before changing their certificates.
A new generation of smart ID cards will make it easier for people to pass the e-passenger

What is the security feature?

The new version of the ID card has 9 anti-counterfeiting identifications, including:

Hologram with wavy and stereo effects

Tactile relief feature

Optical color changing ink

Rainbow printing

Transparent window

Diverse pattern background

Stereoscopic laser image consisting of photo of the holder

Color ultraviolet pattern

Microtext printing

Will it be "opened out of the air"?

In addition to supporting the contact interface, the new smart ID card also supports RFID technology. When reading the contents of the chip, the identity of the chip and reader needs to be encrypted and certified. In theory, there is no relevant government non-government department or non-authorized public or private. The organization will not be able to read the contents of the wafer. As for whether or not people will be placarded by air, it is necessary to cooperate with the future police to check the identity documents.

What is the renewal time?

It is expected to be carried out in the 4th quarter of 2018 to 2022. The date will be redeemed by the age. The authorities will implement a two-track system. Persons under the age of 65 will be separated into one group and exchanged by age. The actual replacement date will be based on the data. Arrangements for the frequency of entry are currently made to facilitate the exchange of certificates for the public.
The elderly aged 65 or above are in another group. They can change their ID card at any time during the specified day. The elderly can change their ID card at the same time as the person under the age of 65. The government will also send someone to the institution for replacement. The elderly who are inconvenient to change their ID cards.

Where to change the license?

The Government will establish 9 renewal centres in Hong Kong and Kowloon New Territories in the future, but the location is yet to be determined. In addition to the re-certification counters, the Re-certification Centre will have a "self-service identity card registration station" and a "self-service identity card collection station" for registration and renewal of certificates and new certificates.

Can I apply online?

The Immigration Department plans to launch a webpage for online filling services to allow the public to fill in the application form at the same time as the appointment is made and shorten the time for renewal.

What are the consequences of not changing the certificate?

At present, the government has not set an expiration date for the existing smart ID card. According to past experience, after the start of the redemption of the new ID card program, the government will announce the expiration date of the old ID card. The invalidation of the old ID card will not affect the right of abode. However, if it is not illegal to redeem the new identity card within the designated renewal period without reasonable excuse, the offender may be fined 5,000 HKD. If you have to live in a foreign country for a long time to settle down, you must go to the Immigration Department to renew your new ID card within 30 days after returning to Hong Kong.

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