, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: Diamond Hill by Dr Feng Chi Shun

Saturday 16 March 2019

Diamond Hill by Dr Feng Chi Shun

Published on 23 Nov 2015

The first book ever on Diamond Hill- presents the early days of the author’s humble upbringing shaped by a now-extinct community, and an account of life in general in Hong Kong in the 60s. Although autobiographic, most of the events revolved around the author and did not necessarily involve him. Diamond Hill was a place where people were poor but life was rich. The story is told not in chronological order but divided into chapters such as: neighbors and neighborhood, bus shops, schools, food we ate, games we played, and thugs and gangsters. Feng chi-shun’s sharp recollections of his childhood contain warmth, humor, and an abundance of insights into a low-income neighborhood that no longer exists.

About the Author:
Feng, Chi-shun grew up in Hong Kong. His formative years were spent in Diamond Hill, a squatter village at the fringe of Kowloon. He went to La Salle College followed by medical school at HKU. He went to the US for specialist training in Pathology, and returned to Hong Kong 13 years later to work for the Department of Health, and later for St. Paul’s Hospital. He is now retired, and spends his time writing newspaper columns and books.

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