, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: When people are old, they will be like this.

Sunday 3 February 2019

When people are old, they will be like this.

A good ping pong friend WhatSapp me a joke.  The joke is written in Chinese.  I Google translated it to English.  Of course, I need to do some touch up on the translation.  Now,  I share it with all my friends here.  You may like it too.  

 I didn’t know how old was like.  Now, I know, it turns out like these cases.

1. Go to the bank to save money at noon.
When I lined up, a beautiful woman behind asked me: "Mr. save money?"
"I just want to withdraw money. Since you want to save, I have to take it. It is better for you to give me the money directly. We won't have to queue up."
I think it makes sense to give her the money.

2. Take the bus in the afternoon.
As soon as I got on the bus, I took out the stored value card and slammed it into the coin box.

3. One evening, I searched every corner of the house and found the mobile phone was gone.
I fell down on the sofa, grabbed my phone from my pocket, and texted my family and friends: "My mobile phone is gone. If you met someone who used my mobile phone to contact you. Don't trust him!"

4.Mr. Wong my neighbor is same age like me
One day, he went out and forgot to bring the key. He returned home by climbing over from my balcony; after finding the key in his home, he climbed back and opened the door of his home.
What is more amazing is that I was there at the balcony all the time worrying over his safety, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.
Hey, our heads definitely had a problem!

5. Go to the buffet restaurant for dinner. 
A man in front of me checked the card at checkout, the card machine does not respond, and he brushed again. It was still not working.  He looked very depressed saying, "The machine is broken". I said, let me try! Brushed my card.
"Hey," haha, the machine worked.
He smiled at me and I laughed too!
This meal is the most happy one.

6, Get up in a cold morning, I put on socks!
It was strange that one of socks could not be found. Later, I found that another sock was in my hand all the time.

7. Neighbor's wife went to work in the morning, 
She took the garbage bag at the door and went to the garage throwing her LV bag into the big trash can. She went to the company with the garbage bag.

8. Accompany wife to buy food on Sunday morning. 
I carefully turned the key counterclockwise three times. After taking the elevator down to the first floor, I suddenly remembered forgetting to lock the door. I quickly took the elevator back and took out the key and carefully turned the key clockwise three times before leaving.

No need to cry, nor be afraid, Always laugh!  Over the years we become old, yet aging teaches people to be open-minded.... open and relaxed



1. 中午去銀行存錢。

2. 下午搭公車。
一上車,拿出儲值 卡,"咣噹" 一聲,投進投幣箱裡了。

3. 某日傍晚,我發現手機不見了,

4. 鄰居老王跟我年齡相近。

5. 去自助餐店吃飯,

奇怪另一隻襪子找來找去始終找不到,  後來才發現另一隻襪子就一直拿在手上。

7. 鄰居老王的老婆早晨上班時
順手把門口的垃圾袋帶上,到了車房把 LV 包扔到大垃圾桶裡,拎著垃圾袋就到公司去了。

8. 週日上午陪太太出門買菜


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