, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: 8 Longevity Habits

Saturday 2 February 2019

8 Longevity Habits

Long-term sports ranked eighth in the rankings. 

In the world's recognized eight longevity habits, sports which is our general concept of health medicine rank actually at the bottom! This is too unexpected, so what is the number one longevity habit?

8th: Sports*

7th: 2 fish per week*

6th: 3 times a week to eat coarse grains*

5th: Drink enough water every day*

4th: 1 egg per day*

3rd: Eat 80% full meals*

2nd: Adequate sleep*

1st: Keep happy*

Emotions have a great impact on health. People with long-term depression and high tension can easily lead to endocrine disorders and bring a series of health risks. Long-lived old people over the age of 100 are all optimistic people. Although they have experienced vicissitudes of life, they still laugh at life. Pleasant mood and peace of mind are the best "good medicines" to prevent diseases.

"The heart of joy is a good medicine.













WhatSapp chat
It is a great source for ideas and trendy information.  So, I search the internet for a method sending the WhatSapp text from my cellphone to the personal computer at home.  It is pretty simple as follows:

Follow these steps:

  • From WhatsApp, open a chat window for the contact with the chat conversation you want to save.
  • Open the context menu in the upper right part of the screen and click on More 
  • When you do, you'll see new options, among which you'll find Export chat by email, .. w/o media
  • Send to your own gmail address
  • Click send arrow
  • It is done.  The WhatSapp chat "text" is in your gmail. 

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