, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: A Good Read from the Internet | 奔八路上 | On the Road to 80 and Beyond

Saturday 15 June 2024

A Good Read from the Internet | 奔八路上 | On the Road to 80 and Beyond

Reaching the age of 70 marks a significant milestone in life. From any perspective, those over 70 are regarded as elderly. At this stage, the beautiful sunset of life begins to dip below the horizon, signaling the twilight of an eventful journey. Official statistics reveal that only 44% of individuals make it past 70 and embark on the path toward 80.

The decade from 70 to 80 is arguably the most challenging phase of life, filled with many trials and tribulations. During this period, the aging process accelerates, with all bodily organs undergoing irreversible degeneration, much like a machine nearing the end of its useful life but still slowly operating.

This decade also marks a critical period for health, as the body’s immune system weakens and becomes more susceptible to diseases. Minor illnesses become a daily occurrence, while major health issues can arise unexpectedly. The body's slowed reactions and diminished limb flexibility increase the risk of accidents, such as dizziness, choking, collisions, and falls, each potentially carrying severe consequences.

Adding to these physical challenges is the emotional toll of losing contemporaries—relatives, friends, colleagues, and classmates. The social circle shrinks, leaving fewer confidants and increasing feelings of loneliness.

More concerning is the possibility of severe physical and cognitive decline, leading to hearing loss, memory problems, and even the inability to perform daily activities independently. This not only subjects individuals to prolonged suffering but also places a significant burden on their children.

Unpredictable events during this period can drastically alter one's life. Growing old is undeniably a tumultuous journey, as depicted in many classical operas that convey the bitterness and desolation of old age.

As I pen these reflections, my comrades, classmates, and I find ourselves navigating this arduous road to 80. Adopting a calmer mindset, fostering a positive spirit, reducing aspirations, lowering expectations, moving more deliberately, maintaining a steady pace, exercising regularly, and eating less become essential practices.

Some believe that reaching 70 and stepping onto the path toward 80 signifies a fortunate life, as more than half of one's peers have not made it this far. Reaching the age of 75 is considered an achievement, as it means you have traversed half of this challenging decade. At this point, fewer than a third of your peers remain alongside you, and you have reached the national average life expectancy. At this symbolic milestone, you can glimpse the end of life’s journey.

If you manage to persist and complete the journey to 80, you are deemed a true victor in life. You have reached the pinnacle of life’s climb, where you can reflect on your stormy journey with satisfaction. Beyond this, the goals of reaching 90 or 100 years old become secondary. You can choose to continue forward or rest, letting fate guide your remaining days.

In the dictionary of life, there is no more time to come. The only thing we can control is to not regret the past, not wager on the future, but cherish today and live each day to its fullest. 

(Original article is in Chinese)


















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