, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: Old Friends Reunion After Years of Separation Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sunday 11 June 2023

Old Friends Reunion After Years of Separation Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic


It's been a long-awaited moment for a group of friends who have been separated for four years due to the unfortunate circumstances brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic. The world came to a standstill, and physical gatherings became a thing of the past. However, the tides have turned, and the friends have finally found themselves together again, ready to celebrate this joyous reunion.

Reunion After Years of Separation

After enduring the challenges of being apart for such a long time, the friends couldn't contain their excitement as they planned to reunite. Each individual had undergone personal growth, and new experiences, and faced their own set of difficulties during these four years. The reunion held the promise of reconnecting, sharing stories, and reliving the cherished memories they had created together.

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on everyone's lives, forcing people to adapt to a new normal. Social distancing, lockdowns, and travel restrictions became part of daily life. This unprecedented situation disrupted the plans of countless individuals, including these old friends who were separated by geographical boundaries and lockdown measures.

Excitement and Preparations for the Reunion

The anticipation grew as the date of the reunion approached. Messages were exchanged, and plans were meticulously made to ensure the gathering would be memorable. The friends eagerly prepared for their long-overdue meeting, reminiscing about the good times they had shared and eagerly looking forward to creating new memories together.

A Feast of Delicacies

To commemorate this momentous occasion, the friends decided to make the reunion even more special by organizing a grand feast. They wanted to indulge in a culinary extravaganza that would tantalize their taste buds and make the reunion truly unforgettable.

Whole Roasted Pig

As the centerpiece of the feast, a succulent roast pig took center stage. The crispy skin crackled as it was sliced, revealing tender and juicy meat that melted in their mouths. The friends couldn't help but savor each bite, their taste buds dancing with delight.

Soup Cooked in Fish Maw and Chicken Legs

This dish is a comforting and nourishing soup made with a combination of fish maw and chicken legs. Fish maw, which is the dried swim bladder of certain fish, adds a delicate and gelatinous texture to the soup. The chicken legs, and chicken breast,  provide a rich and flavorful broth. The soup is typically simmered with Virginia ham  腿 resulting in a delicious and nutritious bowl of chicken soup.

Pan Fried Garlic Shrimp

Alongside the roast pig, platters of fresh frozen shrimp were served. These succulent crustaceans had been sourced directly from the nearby coastal waters, ensuring their freshness and exquisite taste. 

Beef Stew: Tenderloin, Shank with White Radish

A comforting dish made its appearance on the table – beef brisket stewed with radish. The tender beef, slow-cooked to perfection, melded with the sweetness of the radish, creating a hearty and flavorsome combination. The friends savored this dish, feeling the warmth and love that went into its preparation.

Braised Mushrooms with Baby Shanghai Pak Choy

Umami flavors filled the air as the friends indulged in dried oysters with mushrooms. The rich and savory taste of the dried oysters harmonized with the earthiness of the mushrooms, creating a delightful umami explosion. Each bite brought them closer together, reminding them of the culinary delights they had shared in the past.

Jellyfish Salad

For a delicate and refreshing palate cleanser, jellyfish shredded with olive oil was served. The dish offered a contrast to the robust flavors of the other delicacies. The silky texture of the jellyfish, combined with the nutty aroma of oil, provided a delightful interlude between the various courses.

Stir-Fried Bitter Melon with Black Bean/Garlic Sauce

This stir-fried dish combines the unique flavor of bitter melon with the savory taste of black bean and garlic sauce. Bitter melon, known for its slightly bitter taste, is stir-fried until tender yet still crisp. The black bean and garlic sauce adds depth and umami to the dish, balancing the bitterness of the melon. This combination creates a flavorful and satisfying vegetable dish that can be enjoyed as a side or a main course.

Buddhist Delight in Red Bean Curd Sauce

Buddhist Delight is a popular vegetarian dish in Chinese cuisine. This version features the addition of Nappa, lotus roots, Gingo nuts, dried beans, black fungus, dried yellow daylilies, black hair fungus, and dried oysters.  Buddhist Delight typically consists of a variety of vegetables. The dish is braised to allow the flavors to meld together. The addition of the red bean curd sauce adds a rich and aromatic taste, enhancing the overall complexity of the dish. It is a wholesome and satisfying vegetarian option that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Cherishing the Reunion

As the friends relished the sumptuous feast, their laughter, and conversations filled the air. They embraced the joy of being reunited after years of separation and appreciated the precious moments they were experiencing together. The power of friendship and connection became even more apparent as they laughed, shared stories, and created new memories that would be cherished for years to come.

Sharing Laughter and Memories

The reunion was not only an opportunity to create new memories but also to revisit the past. The friends eagerly reminisced about the adventures they had embarked upon and the challenges they had overcome together. Laughter echoed through the room as they relived the shared moments, reaffirming the bond that had stood the test of time.

Strengthening Bonds

The reunion served as a reminder of the unbreakable bond these friends shared. Despite the physical separation and the trials they had faced individually, their friendship remained resilient. The gathering provided an opportunity to strengthen those bonds further, reminding them of the support, love, and understanding they could always rely on.  A big and heartfelt thank you to Pierre and Mary for their generosity in hosting this special gathering. 


The long-awaited reunion of old friends after four years of separation due to the Covid-19 pandemic was a moment filled with joy, laughter and an abundance of delicious food. As they gathered around the table, savoring the feast before them, they embraced the power of friendship and cherished the memories they had created together. This reunion was a testament to the resilience of human connections and the deep-rooted bonds that withstand the test of time. A special thank you to Tony for organizing the events and the perfect transportation for the buddies.

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