, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: 这就是中国的未来 - This is the future of China! 金庸

Sunday 10 February 2019

这就是中国的未来 - This is the future of China! 金庸




































































Google translation:

Reading Mr. Cha Liangzhu’s speech will enable everyone to understand the essence of our country’s history.

Jin Yong: This is the future of China!

See the news (mgncwx)

Source: Speech and Life, excerpted from Mr. Jin Yong’s speech at Peking University, slightly abridged

Hong Kong media reported that the martial arts master Jin Yong (the real name of Cha Liang) died at the age of 94.

In addition to grief, let us revisit this classic speech by Mr. Jin Yong at Peking University.


Everyone wants to hear me tell a novel. In fact, there is no learning to write a novel. Everyone likes to watch it. I am a bit interested in history.

Today, I want to briefly talk about a question, that is, the Chinese nation has developed and grown so long and continuously. What is the reason and what are the rules?

I have been at Oxford University in the UK for many years and I am very interested in English literature, British history and Chinese history. Everyone knows that one of the most influential historians in Britain in the twentieth century was Toynbee, who wrote a long and long history study.

In this book, he analyzes many world civilizations, indicating that many civilizations in the world have declined or died in the historical process. Until now, there are only two civilizations that are truly prosperous. One is the Western European and American civilization, one It is the Chinese civilization of the East. The history of Chinese civilization is long and continuous, and it is the only one in the world.


Although ancient civilizations have a history earlier than China, and some have larger civilizations than China, such as the Babylonian civilization, the Egyptian civilization, and the Greek-Roman civilization, these civilizations have gradually declined due to the impact of external forces or their own corruption. It has died.

Toynbee said: A civilization always encounters external challenges. If the civilization can cope well with this challenge, it can continue to develop; if it fails to cope well with the challenge, it will decline or even die.

There are also many situations here: one is the attack of a powerful foreign nation, the whole nation is killed and destroyed, and the other is a long-term rigid internalization, no reform, no evolution, like a living mummies, and the result declines; Some have collapsed because of their own corruption; another is division, and the country’s civil war is endless.

There is a sentence in our national anthem: "The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time." This sentence was written before and after the Anti-Japanese War. It expresses a sense of urgency. At that time, my country was invaded by foreign enemies and the situation was indeed very dangerous.

As far as I can see, there are seven dangerous periods in the history of our country that have suffered from foreign aggression:

The first is the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the East, the South and the North were attacked by foreigners;

The second is the attack of the Xiongnu in the Qin and Han Dynasties, which lasted for four hundred years;

The third is the invasion of Wuhu, such as Xianbei in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the time is four hundred years;

The fourth is the violation of Turkic and Tubo in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which lasted for three hundred years;

The fifth is the violation of Qidan, Jurchen and Xixia in the Five Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties, and the time is probably 400 years;

The sixth is the violation of Mongolia and Manchu in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties;

The seventh is the aggression of modern Western imperialism and Japanese imperialism.


Throughout China's history, we can probably see such a rule: our nation was first unified and strong, and then slowly decayed, and organizational power declined. At this time, if there are some reforms, then they will be ZTE. If the reform fails, or if it is corrupted, then the foreign enemy will invade. When foreigners invade, our nation has a very special phenomenon, that is, the invasion of foreigners is often a turning point for our nation. The seven major disasters of our nation mentioned above are all seven major turning points.

In the history, often after the foreigners came, our Chinese nation was assimilated and integrated with it. Once assimilated and integrated, our Chinese nation will grow and unite. After that, it may be corrupted again, declining, or splitting. The foreigners are coming again. Our nation is reintegrating and growing, so it is so cyclical.

If other nationalities encounter foreign invasions, they will either win or win. If they do not win, the country or nation will collapse. When the Chinese nation encounters a foreign invasion, it can often repel the foreigners, and there are many situations in which they can't fight back, but it is difficult to be conquered. This is because on the one hand we have a resilience and a very tenacious resistance; on the one hand we are very open and culturally integrated with them. After a period of time, everyone becomes a nation, and our nation has since Grow up.

The first reason is that China was an agricultural society at the beginning, with relatively high productivity, advanced technology, and strong economic power to develop culture. The second reason is that since the Western Zhou Dynasty, we have a strict patriarchal social system. Later generations talked about Chinese feudal society. They always thought that the feudal patriarchal system was very binding on people's thoughts and bound people's behavior. Of course, it was right.


In fact, this patriarchal system also has its historical role. Our nation has a strict inheritance system, thus avoiding internal struggles and wars. Some nomads have always been strong, but they often split at a critical time. After his father died, his two sons or three sons took the father's seat. This is also the case in Rome. If you grab a seat, you have to fight, and you have to be in chaos. If a tribe, a tribe, or a nation that is already strong, is divided, you must fight yourself.

Our nation began from the Western Zhou Dynasty. Although there were constant internal struggles, it basically followed the hereditary system, that is, the father died and the eldest son succeeded. This was an important system for the development of the Chinese nation at that time. The basic legal system of a society is fixed, the society will be very stable, and the internal struggle will be greatly reduced. This is also an important part of the national prosperity.

Another important link is that we are very open to foreigners. Historically, China has been ruled by foreigners for a long, long time, such as the Northern Wei Dynasty. In fact, the Sui and Tang Dynasties also have a large ethnic minority component, mainly Xianbei.

There is a situation I don't know if you think about it. In my novel, I wrote a person called "Dole and seek for defeat". I was so proud of being alone and desperate. He never lost his life and sword, so he changed his name to be defeated. I hope to fail once, but I have never lost. This "done alone" is Xianbei.

The mother of the founding emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty was Xianbei, and he was surnamed Du. The word " Xianbei", some scholars say that "Siberia" is "British Buddhism", and Xianbei people originally lived in Siberia. But this is not a very consistent opinion.

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, there was a general called Du Guxin. He had many daughters. The eldest daughter was married to the emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The fourth daughter was married to Tang Gaozu's father. The seventh daughter was married to Emperor Wendi. Therefore, Tang Gaozu and Emperor Sui are cousins, and Tang Taizong Li Shimin should be called Sui Emperor. They all have a bloodline of Xianbei. Tang Taizong Li Shimin's mother surnamed Dou. Emperor Taizong’s empress name, grandson, grandson and sinus are the surnames of Xianbei. The Queen’s older brother Sun Wuji is a famous prime minister in the Tang Dynasty. He is also a Xianbei.

According to the "Tang Shi" records, at least 23 of the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty were Hu people, mainly Xianbei. At that time, it was said that "Hu people" is like "foreign people", and there is no discrimination.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were 23 foreigners who were "premiblers of the State Council". It can be seen that the Tang Dynasty did not discriminate against foreigners at all.

In addition to the Han Dynasty, the Emperor Wu of Han and the Xiongnu fought, and the Xiongnu split and surrendered. One of the Xiongnu princes was called Jin Rizhen, who was an official in the Han Dynasty and was heavily used by Emperor Hanwu. After the death of Emperor Wu of Han, his big things were handed over to two people, one is Huo Guang and the other is Kim Il Sung. This shows that the important reason for our national growth is that it is very open.


The Chinese are not very good at fighting, and when they fight with foreigners, they lose more and win less. But we have endurance. It doesn't matter if we won't win this time. We will do it with you for a long time. Later, foreigners will split.

The Huns are very powerful, we beat him. Han Gaozu was trapped by the Huns near Datong, Shanxi, and could not escape. His men gave a trick to the Queen of the Hun, saying that there are many beautiful ladies in the Han Dynasty. If you grab the Han Dynasty emperor, you will beat the Han people and capture the beautiful women among the Han people. Your queen will be terrible. . The Queen of the Hun has made this trick, affecting the leader of the Huns, and retired.

The Xiongnu was later divided into the north and the south, the southern Xiongnu surrendered to the Han Dynasty, the northern Xiongnu went west, some to France, some to Spain, some to Britain, and even to the entire Western Roman Empire.

Are the Hungarians in Western history a Huns? Historians disagreed. What is interesting is that half of the Huns were resisted by China, surrendered, and the other half smashed the whole of Europe. The same was true of the Turks in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. They were divided into East Turkes and Western Turks. The East Turkistan surrendered to the Sui and Tang Dynasties and slowly merged with the Chinese nation. West Turkistan went west and came to Turkey. Later, Turkey smashed the Eastern Roman Empire and took the whole of Constantinople until now.

Therefore, we should not think that our nation can't do it when we mention history. In fact, our nation really can't do it. It is only three or four hundred years after the 16th century.

Recently, I met a famous scholar studying East Asian economy at a dinner party at Oxford University. He and I talked about the future of China's economy and said that China's economy has been developed since ancient times, and per capita income has always been full. The world's first, only after the sixteenth century, was slowly caught up with the British. The gross national income was only exceeded in the United Kingdom in 1820. China’s national strength has maintained its leading position in the world for two or three thousand years.

The scholar is very optimistic about China's economic future. He said that by 2020, China's national economic income will be the world's number one, and it can be maintained for a long time. I am afraid that there will be no country at least for the next forty or fifty years. Can catch up. I was very excited after listening and asked if he had any data? He listed a lot of statistics. He is an expert and will not talk casually. I think his analysis is very reasonable.


In fact, in ancient China, China has always been very advanced in science and technology. It was especially advanced in the Song Dynasty and greatly exceeded Europe. At that time, our technological inventions, Europe is far from catching up. Such as paper, printing, gunpowder, compass, etc. in the Song Dynasty has been very prosperous.

The banknotes that everyone used today were also invented by China, and they have already been used since the Song Dynasty. At that time, our financial system was quite advanced and the use of money was quite mature.

So when did the Europeans start to turn around? It should be said that it was in the Ming Dynasty of China. Since then, China has fallen behind.

I think the reason is that one is political dictatorship, the people's ideological control is very strict, and they are not free and open at all. They can't move their doors to copy the squad. The Zhulian nine people are scared that people don't dare to talk about turmoil. All power is controlled by the emperor. Hands.

Another reason is that the Ming dynasty could not cope with the invasion of the Japanese cockroaches, and it was whimsical, implementing the so-called sea ban, burning all the nautical ships, thinking that this would cut off the hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle. This is completely ignorant of Japan. This stupid ban is of course after the Yongle Emperor Zheng He’s voyages to the West.

As soon as the Ming Dynasty implemented the policy of locking the country, the entire national strength began to decline. At the same time, Western science began to develop and the industrial revolution began.

There is an interesting time worth noting, that is, in the beginning of the 16th century, in 1517, Martin Luther of Germany publicly denied the authority of the pope and opposed the control of theocracy. At this time, the Emperor of Zhengde of China’s Ming Dynasty went down to Jiangnan. . Zhengde Emperor is a very boring, very corrupt faint prince. He has done a lot of ridiculous and shameful activities in Jiangnan.

As we all know, in the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, China was very rich. It was also possible to reach the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, science was developed, transportation was convenient, and the country was open to the outside world. When Europe is closed, everything is controlled by the Holy See, and academic thought is not free. If you say that the earth is turning around the sun, he wants you to go to jail, everything is closed.

In the sixteenth century, Europe was free and open, and scientific inventions began, but China has long been blocked. This is the biggest historical lesson.


Today, I have talked so much about it. It is only for everyone to clarify two concepts, that is, reform and opening up. The reason why the Chinese nation is so strong depends on reform and opening up.

When we encounter difficulties, the internals must actively carry out reforms, strive to overcome difficulties, reforms are successful, and our nation will be resurgence. At the same time, we have to open to the outside world. This is even more important because we Chinese have self-confidence. We are confident that our nation is very strong. We are not afraid of external force or foreign culture.

There is another important concept, and there is no time to talk about it today. I think that the historical historians of the past said that the barbarians, the five sects, the Mongolians, the Manchus invaded my China, the great mountains and rivers, and the deaths of aliens, etc., this concept must be changed.

I want to write a few historical articles saying that ethnic minorities are also a member of the Chinese nation. The Northern Wei, the Yuan Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty were only a minority in power. They could not talk about the Chinese death in the aliens, but only "take turns sitting in the village." The Manchurians who established the Qing dynasty were certainly much better than the Ming Dynasty. I have played a lot in these novels and hope to write academic texts in the future.

The British historian Toynbee mentioned above did not attach great importance to China when he wrote the great work of "Historical Research" in his early days. By the time he died, he came to the conclusion that the hope of the world rests on the combination of Chinese civilization and Western civilization.

He believes that the advantage of Western civilization is that it constantly invents, creates, pursues, expands outwards, and is a "moving" culture. The advantage of Chinese civilization lies in peace. It is like the Great Wall. It is on the defensive, stable and harmonious, and it is a culture of "quietness".

Now many Western scholars believe that the earth is so big, and that it is impossible and impossible to pursue and expand indefinitely. In the future, we can only accept Chinese philosophy, balance and harmony, and nationals and nations must cooperate with each other to avoid war.

Due to the development of science and the emergence of nuclear weapons, the future world war will be unthinkable. Some crazy people may be determined to fight nuclear war, but they do not know that the end of this war will be the end of humanity. This possibility cannot be said to be no. The Western scholars I have come into contact with are currently not worried about the nuclear war. They are most worried about three problems: the first is the constant waste of natural resources; the second is environmental pollution; The third is the population explosion. These three issues will be related to the future of mankind.

Therefore, many Westerners now pin their hopes on China. They want to understand China and understand Chinese philosophy. They believe that China's philosophical thinking and psychological state of balance, harmony and unity may be the key to solving the entire human problem.

The economic center of the nineteenth century world was in London, and it was transferred to New York in the early twentieth century. In the 1970s and 1980s, it was transferred to Tokyo, and the 21st century must be transferred to China. As for whether the center is China's Beijing or Shanghai, it is not a problem in Beijing or Shanghai. As long as it is in China, it is very good!

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