, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Grandpa 's Journey: 過去看好多分析中美形勢文章, 這一份 我覺得是最值得 花少少時間睇 👇🏼

Thursday 14 February 2019

過去看好多分析中美形勢文章, 這一份 我覺得是最值得 花少少時間睇 👇🏼


國政觀察 10月24日























































































中國GDP2014年達到美國60%, 2017大約美國的68%,而且中國的潛力遠超蘇聯、日本以及美國以往的任何對手。




Google Translation

In the past, I was optimistic about analyzing the situation of China and the United States. This one is the most worthwhile time.
Why is the United States not letting go of China? After reading this article, you can understand the international situation!

National Government Observation October 24

Source: Global Vision


Historical necessity

If it wasn’t for the September 11th incident in 2001 that the United States suddenly turned its guns, Uncle Sam was afraid to start with China and would not wait until now.

In 2008, after Obama was elected president of the United States, he began to withdraw from the Middle East. He said that 60% of American power will be placed in Asia to deal with China in order to achieve Asia-Pacific rebalancing.

Not only in the military, but also in the economy, network, ideology, cultural invasion and many other aspects, the most familiar one is the infamous TPP.

When Trump came to power, he found that these things came too slowly, so he took a simpler and more rude way to contain China, and that was the trade war.

Not only China, but in the history of the United States, it has already been suppressed and curbed by many countries.

In any country, as long as the strength approaches or exceeds 60% of the United States, the United States will certainly start. This historical inevitability has nothing to do with ideology, political system, or friendship, simply because the United States will never allow any country to match it.

There have been many similar cases in history. The United States first surrendered to Latin America to settle down in its own backyard, and then conquered Europe to become a group of hyenas under it.

When the Soviet Union's GDP was close to 60% of the United States, the United States did not hesitate to wave iron fists against the Soviet Union. The two countries opened up decades of global hegemony.

It is a pity that the Soviet Union itself has made fatal mistakes, including the temptation of the United States to confuse the hearts of the people, the high-level decision-making to ignore the reality, the development of heavy industry, the deepening of reform path errors (such as massive Westernization), institutional rigidity, and the emergence of low-energy leaders. Gorbachev and so on.

It was including but not limited to these fatal mistakes that led to the Soviet Union finally losing.

Then, the second opponent of the United States appeared, that is Japan.

Japan’s GDP became the world’s second in 1972, and it was close to 60% in the United States in the 1980s. At that time, Japan was very similar to China’s, the manufacturing industry was super developed, trade was spread all over the world, and Japanese goods were flooding the world, especially Japanese electronics. Almost a world-famous Chinese, born a little earlier, I am afraid that I still remember the Japanese electronics in my early years.

In this case, even if Japan is an ally of the United States, the United States will certainly start with it.

The US attack on Japan is actually divided into two rounds.

In the first round, the United States launched a trade war against Japan.

Including the advantageous industries in which Japan has reached the world's advanced level, namely the automobile and semiconductor industries, as of 1989, the United States launched 24 rounds of "301 investigations" against Japan.

Obviously, Japanese goods involved in the Japanese-American trade war are far more than these two types, including steel, home appliances, textiles, telecommunications and other thousands of Japanese products.

However, after a round of trade wars, the United States found that it was broken. This not only did not weaken the competitiveness of Japanese products, but also made Japanese products even higher, and the US trade deficit with Japan was even greater.

Moreover, this is also the case when Japan was forced to adopt payment and settlement funds, investing in factories in the United States, independently restricting exports and increasing imports, and reducing excess capacity, which is extremely unfair to Japan.

This is actually a major mistake made by Japan because of its own weakness. Fortunately, Japan has a strong internal force and has not hurt the Yuanshen.

Therefore, the United States simply came to a simple and rude way, directly forcing Japan to sign the "Plaza Agreement."

Then, Japan made another fatal mistake, which was to agree to a sharp appreciation of the yen, which would disintegrate its global trade, implement loose monetary and fiscal policies, and cause excessive funds to be injected into the stock market and the housing market. When the Japanese government misjudged the situation, the economic bubble burst and the Japanese economy fell into a "lost 20 years."

Therefore, through the above content, you will know that regardless of ideology, political system, any country, as long as its strength is close to or exceeds 60% of the United States, the United States will certainly start with it, even its own allies.

The United States will fight for the Soviet Union. It has the same political system and ideology, and it is absolutely the same as its own, and it will definitely let its own Japan, will it let go of China?


American strategic contraction

There is a voice in the world today, that is, the United States is fading.

As far as I am concerned, the absolute strength of the United States is still growing. From the perspective of absolute strength, it has not declined.

However, compared with the strength of other countries and its ability to control the world, the United States is indeed a "relative decline."

This is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, the United States once called for a response in the world. For example, the Korean War brought a group of countries to fight against China and the DPRK. The Gulf War was also the United States with dozens of countries to bully Iraq;

But now you look at it, the world is getting less and less listening to the words of the United States.

For example, Trump ordered that NATO pay more for military expenses. The European countries would not be willing to refuse. Even Japan said that it would not be more. It has been estimated that if Trump is now launching a war, there will be no more than five countries following it.

Not only in the military, but another pillar of US hegemony is also in crisis, and that is the dollar. The renminbi has sprung up in the world, and there is great potential and momentum to replace the dollar. Russia has begun to sell off US Treasury bonds, intending to “de-dollarize”, and respond to Iran, Venezuela, Angola, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan and many other countries.

In the Middle East, how the United States used to play it was easy, and it was smooth and smooth. Once the Middle East was controlled, the United States became the hegemonic power of the universe. However, when it hit Syria, it became more and more difficult. In the end, the IS forces that had been fostered by oneself were completely defeated as birds and beasts.

These are just some of the phenomena, and there are actually many. Of these cases, of course, China, which has experienced rapid growth and made the United States a threat.

Thus, from the Obama era, the United States realized this and continued to shrink its power. It is not difficult to explain why Obama will be so "good" to withdraw troops from the Middle East.

However, Obama never admits that the United States has declined, because no country has received its own top leader to tell himself that his country is dying and declining; no American politician will dare to say this unless he does not want himself. The political future.

When it comes to Trump, the feelings of the United States are even more urgent, and Trump has made a quicker strategic contraction.

It is easy to understand why he wants to withdraw from the TPP, the Paris Agreement, the Iranian nuclear agreement, etc., and even intends to overturn the WTO. He once considered withdrawing from NATO. Trump’s crazy “retreat” behavior is actually the United States. Retreat from the world you have created, and make a faster, easier and more convenient strategic contraction.

There is a great anxiety of Americans behind this.

Jia Jinjing, director of the macro department of Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China, studied the distribution map of the 2016 presidential election in the United States and found that most of the supporters of Trump live in the Midwest, while most of the supporters of Hillary live in the coastal areas.

In the end, Hillary won 64.24 million votes nationwide, and Bitamp's 62,240,000 more than 2 million, which shows that only 8% of the Hillary support area in the map lives more than 50% of the US population. On the US coast.

This has also been made in history. That is, before the Second World War, the United States implemented the "Homestead Law", which allowed a large number of Americans who immigrated to the United States before World War II to obtain American land. These people were called "old Americans" and they supported it. The red area of ​​Trump;

After the Second World War, the land was divided, and the "Homestead Law" was no longer implemented. Later, immigrants could only live in areas such as the US coastal areas. These people were called "new Americans" and they were mainly distributed in the blue area supporting Hillary. .

Old Americans are full of dissatisfaction with the new Americans and the world. First, they feel that new Americans, rich people have robbed of their job opportunities and opportunities for making money. For example, many black people have invaded the social welfare of the whole United States. , affecting them;

At the same time, the old Americans were gradually forgotten by globalization in the 1970s and 1980s. Not only did they live in stagnation for decades, but they also felt discriminated against.

Therefore, in this situation, they are eager to change the status quo and are eager to change everything.

So, in this context, Trump, a mixed-race demon, appeared, and Trump took advantage of their psychology and eventually became the president who dreamed of.

So here, you can easily understand why Trump has always stressed how unfair the world is to the United States. He must engage in "US priority" and reclaim the American welfare that the world has invaded to the American people. Come back, and so on, Trump is taking advantage of the old Americans' desire to return to the past.

Including Trump's current irrational behavior in the world that is destroying the world order, blocking global advanced, counter-globalization, but the support rate in the United States is rising.

After reading the above, you will understand all of this. Trump is actually trying to use the power of the United States to change the world, to block the progress of history, and to try to turn things around with one's own strength.

Therefore, whether it is the "60% red line" used by the United States or the elimination of American anxiety, the United States is bound to start with China.


China program

I remember that the editors used the historical success or failure of "The War of Changping", "The US-British Trade War" and "The American Civil War" to conduct an in-depth analysis of the Sino-US trade war. Finally, it pointed out that the most important point of China-US contest is that China wins. In-depth reforms, and such reforms are not just symbolic, but to carry out in-depth reforms in the deep waters.

Recently, more and more public opinion forums have had the same view, and even articles published by authoritative media in some countries have expressed similar voices.

For the contest between China and the United States, the editor has the following views:

First, China’s non-alignment is indeed very high.

Many people have not understood why China, Russia and other countries have formed allies to confront the United States, but only to be "strategic partners." If we really had an alliance with Russia before, it would re-engage the confrontation between the two major groups, which is obviously unfavorable to China's development.

It is precisely because of our wise choice in history that China did not prematurely deal with the United States directly. Until today, the United States was "very concerned", but today, our strength is no longer the same, this is a blowout for more than a decade. What the development brought to China is not casually described.

Second, China’s political system determines that China has a huge advantage.

One of the strengths of China's political system is the stability of China's political situation, which also maintains the coherence of our policies. Take Japan as an example. Between 1989 and 2000, Japan experienced four political parties and changed its nine cabinets and seven prime ministers. The policy coherence during this period must be a big problem.

What is even more terrible is that since capitalism is based on capital, whoever is richer is more likely to be the prime minister. During this period, some low-energy leaders are not excluded. It is possible that the wise decision of this government will be abolished in the next session in a few years, and even make some fatal mistakes.

But China will not, China’s political situation is very stable, and the possibility of such a situation is very small.

There is also the appointment of the highest decision-making level in China, which is also well-thought-out. The highest decision-making level in China is basically experienced after being tempered.

For example, Zhang Weiwei, a senior researcher at the Shanghai Spring and Autumn Research Institute, pointed out that the most important feature of the selection of China's top leaders is the selection of talents. The members of China's highest decision-making level must have at least two provincial-level leaders, at least to govern. Over 100 million people must have outstanding political achievements in national governance and profit for the people. This system of selecting talents and arbitrage can also be called the parallel of "selection + elections". This kind of institutional arrangement has both China's own tradition and some reference to the Western system.

Therefore, under this system, it is very difficult for China to have "low-energy leaders". Because it is executed according to the above criteria, it is incapable of being eliminated as early as halfway.

Third, China has a broad internal and external market

China's market is broadly reflected in two aspects, one is the internal market, and the other is the external demand market such as the “Belt and Road”.

Naturally, the domestic demand market does not have to say much. It has been said many times before that the vast domestic demand of our 1.4 billion people is more than the sum of “United States + Japan + EU”.

In the external market, we have a wide world like “One Belt One”, “AII” and “BRIC”.

This is not self-blowing. Take the “Belt and Road” as an example. In the first seven months of this year, China’s trade volume with countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” reached 4.57 trillion yuan, accounting for 27.3% of the total foreign trade, which exceeded the same period. The total value of US trade is 2.28 trillion yuan. Afterwards, the trade volume along the “Belt and Road” will only grow larger and larger, and the proportion to the United States will become smaller and smaller.

Fourth, China must not make fatal mistakes

As I said before, the United States cleaned up the Soviet Union and Japan respectively. Their failure was due to the US attack, but more because they made fatal mistakes.

For example, in Japan, the “Plaza Agreement” was rashly signed, rashly agreeing to the sharp appreciation of the yen and thus squandering martial arts, and easily burying a good situation.

The Soviet Union is even more outrageous. The development of heavy industry in the early stage has finally made it difficult for the people to live without it. The hegemony without economic pillars is destined to fail. This point, China is smarter, and is committed to its own development, avoiding the United States as much as possible. "Hegemony."

Later, the Soviet Union was even more outrageous. The reformists headed by Gorbachev, in their reforms, imitated the West on a large scale to carry out a lot of westernization. In the end, the reforms failed to kill themselves.

Even after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, even he did not hesitate to disarm himself and completely copy the Western model to express his heartfelt heart to the West in exchange for the high hand and pity of the West. The result is a further tightening of the western noose. If it is not for Putin to take the stage, he will focus on energy to support the Russian economy and militaryly focus on developing nuclear weapons to maintain his own power. Otherwise, Russia will not know what it is.

Therefore, those big countries that have been defeated by the United States are not entirely because of the United States. To a large extent, they have committed many fatal mistakes themselves.

Our China must be based on history in this contest with the United States.

Five, prevent US military adventures

The war between two big powers, especially between the two nuclear powers, seems to be a myth in the world today.

However, everything is "prepared," and it is always true that everything is ready. In the military, the United States does not have to take hands in person, and there are also means of war through the intermediary agent.

Of course, we have already made preparations. Especially after the new national leaders took office, they will start to vigorously reform the military. They will certainly be able to defend the achievements of reform and opening up for decades, and we must not allow decades of efforts to be overthrown by others. Perhaps since then, it has long been expected that there will be today between China and the United States.

In short, the contest between China and the United States is a historical necessity. "60%" is a red line that the United States has allocated to the world. The strength of any country is close to that of the United States.

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